Super Vows is a dark, satiric novel of love, marriage and what comes next (which isn’t always good). Best buds Ian, Derek and Myra are the hottest young movie stars of their Hollywood era. But in a dystopian future where non-divorceable "super vow" weddings are making matrimony truly 'til death do us part, the national scandal of their torrid sex triangle threatens their careers and their sanity. Seen through the eyes of the burnout tabloid reporter who covers them, Derek and Myra get caught up in religious and political cross-currents that could make their choppy marriage a life sentence…or maybe worse.

"Kelton, whose writing credits include Saturday Night Live and National Lampoon, creates a dystopian future peppered with quirky characters and social misfits who bang into each other like bumper cars to the story's shocking ending."

Order your copy of Super Vows here.

Pas De Deux follows the parallel lives of MacKenzie Palumbo, an international ballet dancer, and Dean Bennett, a television comedy writer, through their upbringings, big breaks, professional careers, marriages, divorces, and eventual ‘meet cute’ in their forties. As MacKenzie advances from ballet student to junior dance competitions to professional ballerina, the story explores her feelings, fears, excitement, and adventures through her journey from small town Ohio to gracing the great stages of Europe. At the same time, Dean, a runt twin from Toronto, breaks into the television industry and rises to write for a hit series and romance its sexy star.

But as their individual careers peak, their personal lives crater, leading them to a midlife 'second act' and to each other.

A sensual tale of midlife romance and foreign intrigue from the Emmy-nominated author of Super Vows.

Order your copy of Pas De Deux here.

Things We Shouldn’t Do is a sensual trilogy of romance stories, three women in three different decades of life meet the men of their dreams until things go astray.

In Book 1, Malone Meredith (22) is a competitive figure skater until an injury ends her skating career and an unexpected surprise ends her new marriage. Divorced and out of work, she embarks on a series of odd jobs and even odder sexual liaisons that lead her down a dark path. In Book 2, rental car agent Charlsie Bowman (34) is engaged but wants something more out of life. That more ends up being a stunningly handsome customer whose social media posts turn her once-boring life upside down. In Book 3, Elle Dennis (46) is happily married to her second husband until a sudden health crisis throws their sex life into chaos.

Things We Shouldn't Do takes readers on three journeys of self-discovery and self-redemption. Each story is a morality play for our time, opening the Pandora's Box of taboo behaviors and socially questionable conduct that people do, whether they should or not.

Order your copy of Things We Shouldn’t Do on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

The Sitcom Writer's Cookbook is an easy-to-follow guide to writing television comedy spec scripts, TV pilots and screenplays. Written as a mock cookbook, The Sitcom Writer's Cookbook is a sure-fire recipe to comedy writing success and a must-have resource for every aspiring writer's bookcase. The author also talks about the differences between writing for readers and actors, how a television staff works, marketing your scripts, tips on landing your first agent, charting your career, and the business of the television industry. He also provides samples and worksheets to help you format and draft beat sheets, outlines, scripts, and adds web links to real, produced TV scripts and outlines from a variety of hit series.Whether you love movie comedies, sitcoms or dramedies, Kelton will walk you through the steps of the process to turn your nugget of an idea into a full script that wows readers. Each chapter ends with a simple assignment the reader can do at home to apply the lessons and concepts taught in the chapter to advance their own writing project. Using examples from classic TV series, Kelton makes the process less intimidating and more accessible to writers new to the half-hour comedy format. And he shares writing exercises, tips and shortcuts that will help you avoid hours of staring at blank screens and the dreaded writer's block.

Order your copy of The Sitcom Writer's Cookbook here.

Books by Kevin Kelton